Learn from Chinese medicine how to manage and control your anxiety. Join this free email course on treating anxiety naturally with do it yourself tips you can start using immediately. Also offered is a free consultation with licensed acupuncturist Kearney at
Red Panda Acupuncture in Jenkintown, PA.

Kearney DeFillipo is a licensed acupuncturist in Pennsylvania. After graduating with a degree in Asian Studies from Swarthmore College, Kearney earned her Masters degree in Acupuncture Studies from the Won Institute of Graduate Studies in Glenside, PA. Kearney has traveled throughout Asia, including four months studying Chinese medicine at Beijing University in China. She utilizes Master Tung’s distal needling and Classical Five Element Acupuncture in her treatments. Kearney has seen firsthand with her self and her patients how acupuncture has the ability to improve the quality of one’s life. She also believes in eating nutritiously and exercising regularly. Kearney lives in Jenkintown with her husband, Michael, and dog, Basil. She loves to cook, travel, and spend time outdoors with her husband and dog.